Application Forms and Procedures
Fair Applications
Exhibitor and vendor admission is available at a reduced rate.
A limited amount of designated reserved parking is available to both exhibitors and concessionaires. Because of limited availability, it should be purchased at the time of contracting.
There is a $50 hook-up charge for all outdoor exhibitors and concessionaires requesting electricity. Food concessionaires and outside exhibitors also pay based on the number of amps at main breaker. Heating and cooking elements as well as air-conditioners will be assessed additional charges.
All Fair-operated camping space is filled. You may wish to apply for space in the general Campgrounds area, which currently has a multi-year waiting period.
All contractors must carry general liability insurance with a minimum amount of $1,000,000 coverage per occurrence. Supplemental coverage to meet this requirement can be obtained through the Fair office for a fee which is stated on the space rental notice when an offer is extended.
Renewals and New Applicants
Previous exhibitors and concessionaires are given the first opportunity to renew their contract for the same space unless performance has been unsatisfactory. Because of the large number of requests for space and the large percentage of exhibitors and concessionaires who wish to return each year, we have limited space available to new applicants or current exhibitors looking for additional space. Therefore, it is usually April or May before space vacancies can be determined for new applicants.