Parking / DART Park & Ride

Getting to the Fair is easy. You can pay to park in the Fair's lots, park for free and ride DART's State Fair Park & Ride shuttle or arrive via motor coach. Once you arrive, "Nothing Compares" to the Iowa State Fair!

Vehicle Parking

Parking lots are available for motorcycle and vehicle parking in the A, B and C Lots for $10. Fairgoers can take the Blue Line Parking Shuttle inside the A, B and C parking lots for FREE from designated stops to the admission gates.

Blue Line Parking Shuttle Map

Fairgrounds Map

Bicycle parking is also available inside Gate 11 for free.


Taxis, Uber and Lyft will be available at Gate 8 for pick up and drop off. Please have your driver use the GPS address of 203 Rock Island, Des Moines, Iowa 50317 when trying to locate the drop off and pick up location.


Three parking lots are available for motorcycle or vehicle parking at $10 per vehicle. Motorcycles may park in any lot, but the northeast corner of Lot A (between the Gate 1 and Gate 2 entrances) has an area designated and roped off for motorcycles. Bicycle parking is available inside Gate 11 for free.


Des Moines Area Regional Transit (DART) offers shuttle services to and from the Fairgrounds. Parking is free at all DART Park & Ride locations.

*Routes subject to change based on busing services, road construction or traffic.

DART Park & Ride Locations

  • 7th & Center St. Park & Ride (830 6th Ave, Des Moines, IA 50309)
  • Iowa State Capitol Building (Located on E 12th St., between E Grand Ave. & E Walnut St.)
  • Southeast Polk High School (7945 N E University Ave, Pleasant Hill, IA 50327)Directions to the Fair

Service is provided from 8 a.m. to midnight during the Fair. Shuttles drop off and pick up at Gate 10 on the Fairgrounds. 

All DART Park & Ride shuttle services are ADA accessible, including for wheelchairs and other electric mobility devices.

For more details, visit or email